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Blog Post #2 - Trashy First Drafts

For most people, writing is something that causes a lot of stress as we struggle to find the eloquent words to put to paper. I can certainly relate to how Anne Lamott explains writing the first draft is the hardest to do when worrying over every comma and every adjective. The remedy? Simply writing everything that pops into your mind, regardless of how silly it may seem to you. Sure, it may be absolute garbage. In fact, your second and third drafts may be pretty terrible as well, but at some point there will be something that clicks and inspires you to continue writing. I am a firm believer in not giving in when the circumstances get tough. I believe that can even apply to writing. If the most renowned authors in the world can not write a good first draft, then why do I expect myself to be able to produce magic in my first draft? I hate setting ridiculously unattainable goals for myself because that just causes me to have much more anxiety than I need! Instead, I will say “Sara, all you have to do is just write one page”. I try to get it all out. It might be terrible now, but it can always be revised later!


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