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Final Reflection

I pride myself in believing that I am an honest person. Which means that I am being honest when I say…I have loved this class. I really have enjoyed English courses my whole life. I guess I would just much rather write 1,000 words than solve a few math problems. That is just who I am. There was definitely more to it than it just being an English class, though. This was a really good experience for me due to several factors: the instructor, the setting, the coursework, and the other students. I am a fan of Mat Wenzel! I hate to sound like a suck up, but he was just a very good teacher. And I know what a good English teacher looks like thanks to my AP English teacher Mrs. Rosenbaum. Mat was very supportive of us trying new, creative things. If I were to say “In regards to Project 1, can I…?” He would immediately say “Yes!” because he wants his students to be creative in all that we do. There were very few restrictions on things. He was very open to us breaking barriers in the writing world. He encouraged my class to push the limits with our research and writing. For Project 1, my focus was on a community I was in at my old school. I wrote about my friendship with the people on my senior class council. Out of projects 1 and 2, I definitely found the first to be the easiest to write. It was as if the words flowed from my mind onto the page in front of me. I got an 89 on the assignment, which is a good grade, but I was still striving for something higher. I revised it on m own first. Then, I took it to the Reading Writing Center so that someone there could go over it with me. I felt they were most helpful there. The lady who assisted me, Amanda, really helped me spot and correct my passive voice. I resubmitted it my grade was raised significantly. It was nice hearing feedback that I had improved my paper so much. Mat told me that I really clarified my point of view and provided much more detail. I think my original submission of Project 2 was much better than my first submission of Project 2. This is probably because I had the lady at the Reading Writing Center help me with it before I even emailed it to Mat. I was quite happy with the final copy of my Project 2. I was able to write about this organization, Show Hope, that I care about oh so much. I found joy in researching this community that I desire to one day be a part of. I liked that I was then able to share the message of this group with my class in the 3rd project. For the 3rd project, the assignment was to create 3 different genres pertaining to our topic. I think most people related it to their 2nd project, but I can not recall whether or not it was required. Either way, I am happy that I chose to do mine on the adoption organization I researched for my 2nd project. I really like the way all my genres turned out. For my first genre, I created a pinterest board. It contained so many useful things for families that are adopting or considering adopting. It had things that could assist in traveling internationally to pick up the baby, throwing a baby shower, how to prepare for a home visit. I shared this organizations true adoption success stories. I even posted about the founders of Show Hope. In this social media outlet, I have 50 posts and 50 followers so I have reached quite a few people already. For my 2nd genre, I sent an email to a prospective donor for the organization. My final genre was a poster that lists the groups name and info on how to learn more. I also included what they do and their mission statement. Overall, I am so happy with what I have accomplished this past semester.


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