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Notes on Non-Traditional Text Presentations

Natalia - Meme that says “Sex is like boxing. If one of the parties didn't agree to participate, the other one is committing a crime.” - John Oliver. A sort of meme on what sexual consent is. Atypical of memes because it has a serious tone. Not offensive, just may be a problem for rape victims. It is published, but in a non-traditional way, on the internet. Evolved from his show to a clip of the show then to a picture with the words on it.

Austin B - “This Kills the Crab” meme. Picture and caption is about how to cut off part of the crab and kill it. It was originally found in a cooking magazine. It was turned into a meme by people using the image, but putting text on it that is supposed to be humorous. Such as: “Love is dead” and “Just a little off the top please”.

Kaycee - Tumblr post. Excerpt from a book that a mother wrote about her daughter that killed herself after suffering from mental illness. Bringing awareness to mental illness and suicide.

Emily - A clip from the Ellen show of titled something like “5 year old geography expert”. It was a cute video of Ellen and the kid conversing about his favorite states and the map drawings he has created. Ellen asks what it was that he drew on Russia and the little boy answers “It’s Trump”. Ellen took a controversial subject and picked fun at it. There could be complications if Trump supporters get offended.

Alain - Presented a Pepe the Frog meme. Popular on social media sites. Used to show emotion. Meme was even used by Donald Trump. Rare Pepe was a thing. Died when Pepe was used in racist ways and associated with white supremacists. Apple actually banned Pepe.

Kelly - Presented two videos. Melania slaps Trump’s hand away when he tries to touch her. The second video is a photoshopped video of the Pope swatting Trump’s hand away. Ironic because Trump is always talking about fake news.

Jessie - Showed the SNL video of President Trump’s press conference Sean Spicer. He is portrayed by Melissa McCarthy. She is wearing a bald cap and is dressed like a man. It is satirical and exaggerates some traits of Spicer’s, such as gun chewing, a short temper, and a dislike of a man from the NY Times named Glenn. Some potential complications of this is that his position of power is disregarded in this skit so that could upset people.

Charlotte - Presented surrealism photography. Showed us pictures by Salvador Dalí (known for the picture of the clocks dripping down). Atypical because it is odd images, with abstract art and makes people question what is real and what is not. Surrealism evolved from an anti-art movement. This kind of art is not seen in many museums.

Derek - Showed video of Jimmy Kimmel explaining passive aggressive text messages. Kimmel explains how punctuation at the end of a text can change the attitude of the entire message. “Sure” with an exclamation mark is a happy response. “Sure” with a period may be an unhappy response. Derek also discussed the beeper and some codes for messages. For example, “143” means “I love you”. Then, he went on to talk about emojis and bitmojis.

Austin E - Presented the quote “You miss 100% of the shots you don't take” by Wayne Gretzky. He is the only player to have his jersey (#99) retired by the National Hockey League. He is a Hall of fame hockey player. Most people incorrectly attribute the quote to Michael Jordan.

Taylor - Showed the class a Budweiser commercial that she saw in the Super Bowl a few years ago. It is titled “Budweiser Clydesdale Puppy Love Super Bowl 2014 Commercial”. It was on the friendship between a cute little puppy and their clydesdales. Taylor discussed how the creator used different colors in the sky to show mood. For example, when the puppy and horses were separated it was storming out. When they were reunited it was sunny out.

Tommy - Presented a Screen Junkies Honest trailer for Beauty and the Beast. It criticizes how this remake was basically the exact same thing as the original, but in live action. They poke fun at the movie and its plot holes. Tommy mentioned how similar this text is to other in its genre. He finds the tone very playful and says it is not that serious of a critique. Its intended audience is movie fans. The only complication with it would be that people don't understand it is supposed to be funny. Some people might take it very seriously and be offended.

Kaitlyn - Presented a gif. It shows a cashier apologizing for the wait, with a millennial that said it’s fine. But it depicts a middle age woman throwing a fit about it. She explains that it is a way to include a moving image to text. She also says that she can relate to this because she worked in the service industry before.

Nico - Showed the class a funny video titles “Bad Girlfriend” by Louis C.K. Nico says this man is probably the most famous comedian in America right now..more famous than Kevin Hart. He says he got tired of listening to music on the way to work and started to listen to standup comedy. Nico explains that it has a comedic tone and the audience is definitely teenagers to 40 year olds. People in long distance relationships may not find this as funny.

Tinajia - Presented the video “H&M New Autumn Collection”. She talked about how the are embracing women of all different shapes, sizes, color, and walks of line. Song is important. It is called “She’s a Lady” by Tom Jones. It really promotes feminism. There are women in the video that are transgender, plus size models, and own their own businesses.

Patrick M- Presented the trailer for the Emoji movie. Movie came out already. It was #8 on the IMBD worst movies list. He says that everyone knew it would be bad. There are memes about it because it was so bad it was funny. He also quickly showed an analysis that was an hour about the trailer.

Sam - Showed the video “Try Ballet” by The Try Guys. The guys spent time with a prima ballerina for a week. Sam came across it on Facebook. She feels the video has a cool vibe. Sam also said it may be offensive to the choreographer because it was created to be for all females and they did not do that.

Kristen - Showed the Nike video “Unlimited Pursuit”. Very motivational and pointed towards women. It appeals to emotions because it makes you want to work out right after watching it. Credible because famous athletes, like Gabby Douglas, are featured.


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