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Blog Post #5 - Understanding Genres (Ch.1)

The idea of “genres” outside of music is quite a new concept to me. The only genres I can name for you are rap, country, and pop. You get the idea. I am trying to get used to the idea that a genre can be an image, a logo, and even a meme. Unlike genres, rhetorical appeals are something that I am VERY comfortable with. I wrote my first ever rhetorical response essay in Advanced Placement English Language and Composition. That class stole me heart. The rhetorical response? Not so much. I was pretty good at it, but that does not mean it is my favorite thing to do. Probably not my first choice on how to spend a Saturday, if you get my drift. I became fairly good at the rhetorical appeals: ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos relates to the credibility of the author. Pathos is whether or not the writer appeals to the audiences emotions. Logos is the logic in the points being made. In the past two years I have realized that to create a good paper all of these rhetorical appeals must be evident. Personally, my favorite to slip into a paper is pathos. I am not so good at a logical appeal, but I know how to hit you right in the feels if need be.


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